“The K-Man Chronicles“, is a semi-true anthology of the actual and fictional exploits, triumphs, disasters and follies of a group of semi-real golfers told in the form of a phone call between our narrator and a friend who can’t seem to stop interrupting.
So, we’re playin’ a 54 hole event out in the boonies and there’s like 30 guys from the club there and all the guys from the winter tour….yeah, yeah, even Frankie the mooch! And the Heater!! Yeah, all them guys….so after the practice round Friday, Smitty bets everyone he’s going to go dry for the weekend…….……yeah, NO BOOZE! Anyways, no one believes him and he has $1000 in bets by the end of the night. So Saturday, he doesn’t touch even a beer and somehow….he shoots -3! An effin Six Nine completely dry! He has a FIVE SHOT LEAD!
Well, some guys can just smell that $ so they double down.